Monday, December 8, 2008


Above is the Hawkins family, whom I met and had THANKSGIVING with. We had so much fun! They were celebrating their dad's birthday by getting him (but sounds like it was more for the kids:) a Wii. During the nights we slept by the fire inside the yurt and had yummy extravagant meals during our stay.

We stayed in this "yurt" in central Washington on some forested land they own. Have you ever heard of a yurt? It was such an outdoorsy thing to do and enjoyable!

Hawley taught me how to ride a 100cc motorcycle. After a couple falls and killing it a few times, I got the hang of it. It was VERY cold that day. I remember our fingers feeling numb when this picture was taken. Hawley was so patient. When I had a hard time starting it on my own, I asked Hawley if her 8, 12, and 14 year old sisters could start and drive these motorcycles, and she just smiled and said yes. That was really funny. It sure provided the motivation to learn quickly!

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