Tuesday, September 30, 2008

For Fun

One Word Tag!

No, I was not tagged by a friend, but took the survey anyway....just bumming on the computer.

1. Where is your cell phone? Desk
2. Your significant other? Non-existent
3. Your hair? Growing
4. Your mother? Hardworking
5. Your father? Spiritual
6. Your favorite thing? Hugs
7. Your dream last night? School
8. Your favorite drink? Milk
9. Your dream/goal? Mom
10. The room you're in? Clean
11. Your hobby? Soccer
12. Your fear? Alone
14. What you're not? Awake
15. Muffins? Yum.
16. Wish list item? Lagoon
17. Where you grew up? Wisconsin
18. The last thing you did? Institute
19. What are you wearing? Black
20. Favorite Gadget? Bluetooth
21. Your pets? None
22. Your computer? District
23. Your mood? Content
24. Missing Someone? Family
25. Your car? Red
26. Something you're not wearing? Bracelet
27. Favorite store right now? Banana
28. Favorite color? Teal
29. Last time you laughed? Bathroom

I tag Kelsey, Ruth, Lauren, and Leslie!

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

I love these and I love that some of yours are very cryptic!