Thursday, August 21, 2008

A New Year

At the end of the summer it was hard to come back to Utah and start work again. My summer in Wisconsin was perfect. It was filled with family, seeing old homeward friends, fireworks, travelling, mowing the lawn, cleaning the house, shopping, free time, the South, Door County, talks with individual members of my family, throwing the football in the backyard with Peter, a successful garage sale and not to mention, the great lemonade stand, and much more. I think I'm the biggest homebody of all my siblings. I love being home with the FAM! It is refreshing and rejuvenating. I just have such a supportive, loving family that made coming back difficult.

Upon the drive back out to Utah, I kept thinking, "I'll just turn around, and spend a couple more days home, no problem..." But I kept driving because I'm sure my mother would want me to. I mean she loves me, but I'm sure wishes I would go out and find a man this year! Needless to say, I was eager to come back to Utah and reestablish my life here. I met a really nice LDS family in North Platte, NB in the breakfast lounge of the LaQuinta Inn. They were so kind and offered to caravan together! It made me feel better knowing that someone was with me, at least in a way.

I now work at Geneva Elementary in Orem. It is WONDERFUL. That says it all. I love the staff, the kids I've met, the parents. The only funny thing is that I've worked so hard to earn my master's degree, however upon finishing have 1) gone back to an elementary school and 2) work in a trailer with a broken air conditioner. Oh, and it is in the upper 90s every day! I do NOT like the heat. But I am so happy and excited for this year. Everything seems to be surprisingly going more smoothly than usual. My friends and family are so good to me. I live "a good life." :)


Meghan said...

I loved your recap of your summer. I am glad you are doing well and back in Utah! We need to get together. Can you find ANY excuse to come visit me up in West Jordan? Welcome back and remember mi casa es su casa!

Kindt Family said...

I know what you mean about being home in WI...something just always feels so good. Everything familiar. But don't worry, when you start your own family, you'll create your own home & it'll be better- the BEST! :) I'm so glad you had a GREAT summer! And I'm happy to hear you love your job! You do have a pretty great life going on- enjoy it!

Luke and Kellie said...

I'm so glad you made it home and back. I seriously worried that whole weekend when you left Logan for home! I know how you feel about how hard we worked for our master's degrees and then not much changed a little anti-climatic (is that how you spell it) but you have a great attitude like always! It is good to hear how you are doing!

Annalisa said...

Meghan, I am sure I can find an excuse to come up and visit you! I want to hear about what your life has been like since I've really had a good talk with you! Now I just have to figure out the time...