Monday, December 1, 2008

A Really Touching Quote

Below is a saying I ran across today that just about put me in laughing fit, probably because today was one of those days. Maybe you all can identify with this...having a hard time making blogs interesting for others. Ah well.... so to all of you bloggers out there, here is some deep, heartfelt advice.

Life isn't measured

by the
number of posts you blog,
but by the number of blogs that
take your breath

I think it would be fun to have occasional blogs dedicated to family members or close friends. Why, you ask? Because I love them dearly, it would be fun, and great for personal history. You might be first Peter, or maybe you Ruth Ann. Carrie, Joe, Kelsey, even you Ken, you aren't safe either. Not to mention Mom and Dad. I think you, Jenni Skeen, might even be chosen. Watch out. Maybe I could post blogs that would be so touching you would all start crying uncontrollably. Ya, that's my goal. If I can get you all crying, I'll be happy.


jenni said...

Wow... what has this world come to!? Touched by blogs!? I am soooo glad that the worth of a soul is not measured according the the number of blogs posted NOR the number of posts that are "touching." Whewww! Lisa, you are so funny, and so is this sentiment. Way to find this life-changing doctrine :) Nonetheless, it is very nice to stay up (to a small degree) on one another's lives via blogs. It is a reminder of good memories and dear friends... I hope not to limit relationships or worth to blogging though... That would be a sign of OD-ing on bloggage. Wow.

Thanks for the "food for thought." :)

Kelsey said...

Lisa, I just love you. You are inspiring!